
Newest Automatic V8/X6 Key Cutting Machine 和絕大多數鑰匙庫都能兼容,它能夠做世界上絕大部分品牌的汽車。你可以批發也可以零售,對於修理匠來說這是個很好的選擇。

1. 它是一種便攜式重量小,直流供電,很適合帶著它出去工作。

2. Mainly used have the key with keyless lost data with the key. When there is a key, simply follow the steps to enter the number or read key teeth tooth number, you can make a new key. When a key is lost, just follow the prompts, enter the appropriate number of head lock, you can make a new key.
3.能夠根據你的需求來自定義鑰匙牙的深度. 方便使用,適合很多的鑰匙.
4. USB數據傳輸迅速,與絕大多數鑰匙庫兼容。
5. 快速更換指導碼和切割頭
6. 模塊化設計,很容易維護 (Quick Change Module)

這裡我們展示出如果設置的圖片: X6 key cutting machine
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how-to-set-x6-key-cutting-machine-11 how-to-set-x6-key-cutting-machine-12

文章來源於 Key Cutting Machine 頁面: Automatic V8/X6 Key Cutting Machine Screen Menu Display


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